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The new permanent exhibition LICHTENBERG tells how Lichtenberg became what it is today and what makes it so special. The focus is on the themes of working - living - changing, to be experienced in four exhibition rooms:

In the WAS room, events from the district's past and present are recounted. WHERE presents the diversity of districts. WER revolves around people and is open to new ideas. WOW shows surprising things from Lichtenberg.

The new concept actively breaks down barriers. Architecturally, in terms of design and content, the permanent exhibition lays the foundation for a stronger opening of the house into the urban space. This includes a children's track, a growing digital knowledge store, and an inclusive path that enables all visitors to participate in cultural life in a self-determined way. Through the different perspectives and approaches to the topics of the exhibition, museum guests experience the history and present of the district according to their own interests.

The fact that the exhibition serves all senses is a special highlight: In the exhibition, Lichtenberg can be heard, seen, smelled and touched. Visitors are motivated to engage individually with the history and stories of Lichtenberg, and are even allowed to touch, turn and twist many objects.

As a place for impulses, the Museum Lichtenberg is a forum for topics that occupy people in the district and beyond, a space for you, your interests and your ideas.
Additional information
Opening hours
Tue-Fri 11.00-18.00
Sun 14.00-18.00

Exhibitions: free

Events: Adults 3,00 €, reduced 1,50 € Reduction for pupils, students, trainees, unemployed, welfare recipients and Berlinpass holders


  • The Museum Lichtenberg is barrier-free accessible.
  • There is a parking lot for mobility-impaired visitors directly in front of the building, which you are welcome to use.