After the book by Astrid Lindgren (7+)
Astrid Lindgren's children's book classic tells the story of Ronja and Birk, two children belonging to raiding clan clans. After initial mistrust, a deep friendship develops between them, which they have to keep secret from their parents. So Ronja and Birk flee into the woods, where they can live their freedom, but are also exposed to dangers and conflicts.
After much turbulence, the formerly hostile clans finally make friends, but are also confronted with the rejection of their children. Because Ronja and Birk do not want to live longer than robbers.
Eight actors and musicians lead the audience into a mysterious world of gray-nuggets and rumble-weights, magical forests and hell-throats.
Against this imaginative background, the modern Romeo-and-Juliet story in Robberland dramatizes the great theme of childlike detachment from the parents.
Ronja and Birk pursue their individual path to self-employment and develop the courage to stand by their feelings and decisions.
The live music with numerous songs, the live forest and animal sounds, the elaborate lighting effects and the often rude robber humor make for a colorful and exciting staging.
(Program in German)
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Educational Services
Participating artists
Marie Landgraf (Bühnenbild und Kostümbild)
Herman Vinck (Regie, Bühnenbild)
Matthias Witting (Musikalische Leitung)
Astrid Lindgren (Autor/in)
Jonathan Bamberg
Sandro Costantini
Iljá Pletner
Heleen Joor
Sabine Liebisch
Stephan Hoppe
Thomas Sutter
Mora Thurow