The Greeks before the walls of Troy: the battle of the systems has become a trench warfare when the Amazon people appear in front of the army camp. The Amazons are proud fighters - at their head: Queen Penthesilea in search of the once brilliant hero Achilles.
She, who is not allowed to do that, loves him. And he, who cannot say this, loves her. Both are tired of murder. But the war is bigger than any heroine or hero. And so a relentless game of love and death unfolds as the battlefields all around come to life.
The Georgian-born writer and director Nino Haratischwili is one of the most important literary voices in Germany. Her novels The Eighth Life (For Brilka) (2014), The Cat and the General (2018) and The Lack of Light (2022) have received numerous awards and tell of a country on the edge of Europe, of an overpowering Russia and of a permanent state of war.
With Penthesilea. In a requiem, Nino Haratischwili presents a new interpretation of the ancient myth and examines the collision of two worlds with criminalistic precision.
Together with actresses from Georgia and the DT ensemble, she brings the love murder in times of war to the stage in a bilingual production.
- in Georgian and German
- with Georgian and German subtitles
Additional information
Participating artists
Heinrich von Kleist (Autor/in)
Nino Haratischwili
Almut Zilcher (Penthesilea (Erzählerin))
Eka Nizharadze (Penthesilea)
Anano Makharadze (Alcibie)
Nestan Bagration-Davitashvili (Live-Musik (Amazonen))
Manuel Harder (Achill)
Jens Koch (Thersites)
Andreas Reihse (Live-Musik (Griechen))