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LAS Art Foundation is pleased to announce THE SOUL STATION, Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley’s first solo presentation in Germany, shown by LAS at Halle am Berghain, Berlin, from 12 July to 13 October 2024.

THE SOUL STATION will feature a newly commissioned work and a survey of video games made by Brathwaite-Shirley over the past five years.

Through game-based installations and fictional universes, visitors will be invited to explore their ethical, political and moral decision-making, and consider the broader structures and histories of marginalisation.
A newly commissioned work, entitled YOU CAN'T HIDE ANYTHING, will be presented in two episodes; the second episode will be revealed on 12 September 2024 during Berlin Art Week.

Offering a comprehensive survey of Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley’s oeuvre, THE SOUL STATION will include key works from the past five years.
Together they will trace the artist's practice, which combines lived experience with speculative fiction in order to shed light on positions and histories that are often simplified or disregarded.

The frist episode of YOU CAN'T HIDE ANYTHING will be presented at the centre of an immersive, haunting environment created by the artist.

Its architecture will evoke ‘low poly PlayStation 2’ aesthetics and allude to uncanny beings that appear throughout the course of the game. The work tells the story of a cataclysmic event in a society parallel to ours, where a revolution has been led against globalised slavery and overthrown the enslavers.
Played using a voting system, it features a central gamer’s chair and circle of player-spectators who, together, define the story’s final outcome.

The work YOU CAN'T HIDE ANYTHING builds on the artist’s work with the audience-as-medium and is the culmination of a journey visitors will take through the space.
On arrival, each visitor will receive a 'SOUL CARD', a token enabling them to track their progress and choices throughout the games.
This can be done by accessing 'SOUL STATIONS' – functioning similarly to video game checkpoints – which will be available throughout the presentation as well as online.

The journey will invite visitors to contend with their own experiences, choices and biases.

Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley: THE SOUL STATION is co-curated by Boris Magrini, Senior Curator at LAS Art Foundation and Mawena Yehouessi, with Agnessa Schmudke, Assistant Curator at LAS Art Foundation.
The presentation will be accompanied by a public programme of workshops and performances at Halle am Berghain.
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