MEMENTO MORI - Your Last Hour
Spectacular artistry, breakneck stunts, weird comedy and crazy freaks - all combined in a hellishly good show that is well worth seeing! Spectacular stunts on the wheel of death, rapid flying maneuvers and daring aerial acrobatics will take your breath away! Thrills that literally get under your skin - this is not for the faint-hearted!
From 2025, the Circus of Horrors will present its brand new production "MEMENTO MORI - Your Last Hour" and go on a big tour with it.
With this production, the Circus of Horrors is taking entertainment to a new level: Breathtaking artistry, daring stunts, weird humor and extraordinary freaks merge into one of the most spectacular shows in Europe.
Everything that happens on stage is real and happens right in front of the audience's eyes. Whether it's breathtaking aerial acrobatics, fast-paced roller skating or a spectacular slingboard act - every moment holds the audience spellbound. Particularly spectacular: breakneck motorcycle stunts and other highlights that are seamlessly embedded in the dark horror story.
Memento Mori combines captivating acrobatics and a thrilling show to create an innovative experience full of surprises - an event that the audience will not soon forget!
The Circus of Horrors has been touring Germany since 2013 and, with its unique concept, spreads amazement and laughter alongside fear and terror. The artists show off their talents and are impressively dressed and made up for each scene. Daring stunts and great special effects ensure an innovative and fast-paced circus experience.
The Circus of Horrors combines classic circus art with horror elements and shows that a circus can get along wonderfully without animals. Instead, the audience gets to see demons, vampires, bizarre characters and crazy clowns. This is definitely not for the faint-hearted!
(suitable for international guests)