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Great voices at the Fontane poetry project in Neuruppin with Anne Ratte-Polle, Jenny Schily and Johann von Bülow

This year's Fontane Poetry Project, which marks the opening of the 11th Fontane Festival in the Neuruppin Cultural Church on Friday, May 17, 2024 at 7 p.m., is dedicated to the theme of constant change.

Three outstanding actors, Anne Ratte-Polle, Jenny Schily and Johann von Bülow, will lend their voices to Theodor Fontane. The text book was compiled for the first time by Frank Matthus, while the pianist and composer Søren Gundermann accompanies the project musically.

All three actors are known from numerous current film and television productions.

Jenny Schily is known for her distinctive voice in radio plays, features and podcasts and is involved in various artistic areas such as readings, text writing, audiovisual installations and concert performances.

Anne Ratte-Polle is valued for her idiosyncratic and complex female roles and has already received several awards.

Johann von Bülow is another prominent member of the ensemble and, in addition to his stage presence, has also appeared in radio plays such as “Sherlock & Watson – News from Baker Street”.

The music for the Fontane Lyrik project is composed and improvised by Søren Gundermann, incorporating unconventional playing techniques and inspiration from various art forms.

Guests can be curious to see which poems, ballads and texts Frank Matthus will select for this year's Fontane poetry project. He takes over this task from Gösta Knothe, who was responsible for nine poetry projects at the Fontane Festival.

Tickets are on sale and those interested in getting up close and personal with their favorite actors should not hesitate.

After the start of the festival on Friday evening, the Pentecost weekend offers a rich cultural program for the residents of Ruppin and their guests, including the entertaining auction theater "A certain Quantum of Mumpitz", readings from the travel literature festival "Neben der Spur", literary Fontane city walks, and a radio play yard , a Fontane open-air reading as well as bus excursions and walks in the Fontane style.

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