Wild herb cookery course & herb hike in one
The wild herbs cooking course Berlin starts with a herb hike under the guidance of wild herb experts. You will learn which wild plants can be collected in Berlin, what they look like, whether there are any confusion partners, what ingredients they have and how they can be used in the kitchen.
In addition, you will be informed about possible dangers such as polluted soils, fox tapeworm and road traffic. After you have collected the appropriate wild herbs together, they will be transformed into a tasty multi-course meal under the guidance of a wild herb cook.
Practicality and suitability for everyday use are important, so all recipes are special and sophisticated, but at the same time uncomplicated and the ingredients are easy to get and regional. The wild herbs cooking course Berlin takes place in Pankow, more precisely in the idyllic Stadtgut Blankenfelde (Pankow).
So that you also have sustainable something from the course, you will receive after the course a list with all found plant species, as well as all recipes in the form of a PDF by email.
Registration: https://waldsamkeit.de/produkt/wildkraeuter-kochkurs-berlin/
Language: German